
Friday, 6 May 2011

Summertime Florals - Spring Summer Collection

A preview of the first dresses from the Spring Summer collection. Lots of florals, silk organdies and pretty ribbon stripes along with vintage floral cottons that I've been gathering for this collection.
Inspired by hazy fifties summers with pastel roses blooming in the garden and dirty dancing holiday camps. Imagine a slightly worn kitsch America and colourful vintage crockery in saturated pastel shades.  It's very indulgent prettiness that I think is best worn with something a bit harder edged and a grunge soundtrack playing in the background. That's  just my thoughts on styling this collection and I would love hear other ideas on this. Maybe you would up the prettiness stakes even further?
All the dresses are available ready to wear and made to order and are limited to one or two dresses made in each print.