
Tuesday, 26 April 2011

The week away from the computer ........

This past week has been quite exciting really, I stepped away from the computer, banned myself from facebook, twitter and even the blog, switched to radio six and got on with work. Funny how things start to happen when you don't sit for hours in front of a screen!
The first task was blue tulle underskirts for 50s dresses..................

I then worked on the final details of the summer collection, this dress is a sneak peek (I'm liking cardboard backgrounds at the moment as it makes the colours a little sparkier) .....

I had three visits from brides to be this week, this is Theresa who came for a whole day whilst we created her wedding dress. It was a long, long day but her dress looked incredible, elegant and terribly chic by the end of it. I can't wait to see the final looks over the two days of her wedding bonanza, there is even a music festival planned with some pretty awesome bands.
This reminded me of our wedding where we found our bands on myspace and they all did an excellent job. It's great to give young bands the opportunity to perform and get paid and you usually end up with something really cool, not too weddingy and at a far better price by not going through a wedding entertainment agent who tend to charge an extra chunk for that every word 'wedding'.

 And then I was in the local paper which was a really lovely surprise and from this single article in the local rag last Thursday I was invited to talk on BBC Somerset this morning about the bridal collection and a wedding magazine also rang for an interview, so not at all bad from the Cheddar Valley Gazette.  Many many thanks to them and Beth Perry.

I was so shocked to be asked to talk on the radio I immediately said yes and then it sank in over the bank holiday weekend that I would have to talk out loud and this is something I find very very nerve wracking. I was convinced I would be sick on the radio and very luckily I wasn't. Emma Britton the presenter was wonderful and made it all relaxing, she was so lovely and I recognised Rachel Andrews the producer from school which was quite a comfort. So a HUGE thank you to them both!

Here is the radio interview

So, it's been a very exciting week away from the computer and I can't think of anything happening this next week that might be worth talking about?