
Monday, 3 December 2012

Liberty Bridesmaids Dresses ...... Carolines Wedding Part 2

Before you get to see all of Caroline's amazing wedding photo's I thought I'd share the bridesmaids dresses first. Just like the wedding dress the bridesmaids dresses were full of English rose gorgeousness.
Caroline chose the Liberty Claire-Aude Tana lawn in turquoise, pink, lime and plum. The colours were fresh and vibrant and each of the bridesmaids had a different version in the same ditsy print. The underskirts were to match the colours of the shoes (Kurt Geiger patent Anna's) and each had a plaited belt in the shades from the print.

Liberty Tana lawns are just brilliant to work with and make the best tea dresses. The cotton is woven with a little stretch, is strong and light at the same time and just sews like a dream.
Claire's dress had a cutaway shoulder bodice and full skirt an Ellen had a t shirt cut, both with plunging v backs that keep the silhouettes from being too twee. It's another design I want to make for myself when I get round to it, but which liberty print to choose?

We also lined the glitter bags in the matching print, it looks fabulous against the glitter! These are definitely the best tea dresses of the year and will be making another appearance next Summer in a few different prints.

Coming up next will be the actual wedding photos xxx