
Thursday, 8 March 2012

Mid Week Movie

Wing and I watch a lot of films and use them as a major source of inspiration for our work. Each week I'm going to share a mid week movie that's inspiring, brilliant, beautiful and something I come back to again and again. It will be a film I have watched during the week so it's my perspective at the time not me just reminiscing (too much!).
Be prepared for lots of pretty, singing, dancing and happy endings. For me films are escapism and fantasy and this is only my opinion of what I like, I'm no film critic.
However, I certainly don't want to escape to a grim, grey miserable world, so you won't find realism, British misery, requiem for a dream here. There's plenty too much misery in the world in real life.

This weeks film is ................ Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet directed by Baz Luhrmann 1996

I hadn't watched this in ten years until this week whilst hand stiching a wedding dress. I always used to switch off the ending as it annoyed me that the priest didn't just wait in Juliet's tomb to tell Romeo that she would wake up in a bit. Watching it again I realised how much older I am, I must have watched it, over and over as a teenager.

When I first watched this film - I think we watched some parts at school in English Lit lessons but I watched it again at home so many times properly. I, along with every girl on the planet developed a major crush on Leonardo DiCaprio who is now like a comfort blanket, you know you're safe in a film with him.
I also listened to the soundtrack constantly, it's full of 90s pop that plays an all important role in the film. Both the main and the classical versions are excellent.

Favourite Scene - now it's the dressing at the Capulet mansion, Juliet's mother (played by Diane Venora) as Cleopatra with the corset lacing and cigar smoking edit that is genius. Her running around in a vintage corselette and pink feather trimmed dressing robe, hollering for 'JULIEEEEEEEETE'. It's just perfect.
I love the Verona beach and theatre scene with the sky changing colours and the silhouettes created by the sun. The location and scenery are amazing with so many Shakespearean winks.

And of course the wedding scene, how could anything be more romantic than this? Find a beautiful chapel and elope with two witnesses, I don't think there is a more heart fluttering wedding on film or in history?

Favourite Costumes by Kym Barrett - this will have to be a list ....

Juliet's chiffon angel wing chiffon dress, I think it's the fact that the wings look like real wings, they might well be? Will need to look into this.
Romeo's knight in shining armour worn grunge style so coolly
Hawaiian shirts, I think they are needed this summer boys and girls. It's time.
Juliet's wedding dress, the white cutaway shoulder,  button down, full fifties tea length with a simple bouquet. Understated in it's crisp whiteness.
Mercutio's diva sequins and white Afro wig.  Lipstick on boys is the way forward.
Juliet's mother's Cleopatra dress and all trimmings. 

What inspirations it's left me with?

Nineties beach trash versus glam versus beauty combo. The importance of setting the scene, (Baz Luhrmanns L'Amour Coco Cola sign in particular) backgrounds and a soundtrack. Hawaiian shirts with white Catholic cotton and a sprinkling of sequins and so much romance.

I know most of you have watched this film, if you haven't get your 14 year old head on and watch it. 

Enjoy the break, watch the movie and share your thoughts on the film after with a little cake.

We'll start a film club!  xxx